Since 2018, submarkets that experienced falling prices accounted for more than half of all markets. The difference between the share of falling markets by price and rising markets widened significantly over the decade. Market optics of the highend market smothered the impressions of the overall market. Yesterday our Manhattan Decade report was featured online in the New York Times (free link) and...
Werewolves Of High-End Housing: You’ve Already Let ‘Em In

Listing Inventory Skewing Much Higher In Price, As Prices Have Surged Over Five Years Portfolios Of Wealthy Skew To Stocks While The Middle Class Skews To Real Estate Wealthy Better Suited For This Economic Cycle Of Real Estate There was a great Wall Street Journal piece (free link) on the decline in available lower priced Miami home sales. It's the result of prices rising so quickly and a shift...
Luxury Second-Home Markets Remain Unscathed And Are Selling Quite Well. Thank You.

The Outlook For Luxury Sales In 2025 Is Better Than The Remainder Of The Market Cash Buyers, Higher Wall Street Compensation, Strong Financial Markets HighEnd Trump Bump Observed In Palm Beach Housing Data When we think of housing markets, primary versus secondary, the latter contains the higher risk. If a homeowner runs into financial problems, they tend to try to save the primary residence...
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Looking On The Bright Side Of Life For Housing, The Wall Street Comp Will Be Higher

Wall Street Is Getting Big Bonuses For The First Time In Three Years HighEnd Housing Continues To Be Favored In The Current Economy AI Will Replace Some HighComp Securities Industry Jobs I've always been a Monty Python fan and can talk for hours about Spam. Back in the summer of 1975, on a 5week foreign study trip in Europe, as a fourteenyearold, I did the most British thing ever. Riding a...
Overbuilding Fancy Resi Rentals, But They’re Not (Fancy)

"Fancy" Is A Softer Way To Say "Luxury" Even Though They're Not Land Costs Are Forcing Developers To Charge Higher Rents, So Deals "Pencil In" Manhattan Rents Are Rising Again As Mortgage Rates Increase Two words have crept into the housing economy narrative: "Fancy" and "Resi," which startles me every time I come across them. "Fancy" is another way to say "luxury," and "Resi" seems to have...
The Housing Market Lists

U.S. Sales At Or Above $50 Million Was Fourth Highest In History U.S. Sales At Or Above $100 Million Was Second Highest In History Average Price Of U.S. Super Luxury Rose 7% Year Over Year Get it? Like a ship...The confusing housing market of 2024 is behind us, but not much has changed a few days into 2025, except perhaps our expectations are a little more realistic. Mortgage rates are unlikely...
Subscribe to ‘Housing Notes’ to receive Jonathan Miller’s insights and research.
$100 Million Home Sales Are The New $50 Million Home Sales

Super Luxury Homes Are More Commonly Exceeding The $100M Threshold These HighEnd Sales Are Long Term Asset Acquisitions As Buyers Bet On Future Higher Prices The $200 Million Sales Is Beginning To Be A Little More Common Americans have an unhealthy obsession with billionaires and real estate provides the perfect playground. Because I'm a dull and boring numbers guy, one of my hobbies since 2014...